#Middle East

Iran vows to punish Israel for officers killed in embassy strike

Iran imposes sanctions on US, UK amid Gaza conflict - UTV Pakistan

Iran has reiterated its commitment to retaliate against Israel following a funeral for seven officers who were killed in a suspected Israeli airstrike on the Iranian embassy compound in Syria.

State television footage showed protesters holding images of the deceased officers and banners displaying anti-Israel and anti-America slogans.

Among those killed was Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a high-ranking officer in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) who was visiting the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

Major General Hossein Salami, the IRGC commander-in-chief, vowed that any attack on Iran would not go unanswered and pledged to hold the Israeli government accountable.

Former Guards commander Mohsen Rezaei confirmed that a decision had been made to retaliate against Israel, although specific details were not provided.

The funeral took place on Iran’s annual Quds (Jerusalem) Day, which features pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel demonstrations throughout the country.

The airstrike marked the most severe in a series of attacks targeting Iranian officials in Syria since December. Iran’s warning of severe retaliation raised concerns of a wider conflict, prompting the Israeli military to cancel leave for combat units and deploy additional troops for air defense.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed that Israel would respond to any threats against the nation.

In Tehran, the coffins of two officers were on display during the funeral as mourners recited religious prayers and waved the Palestinian flag. All seven officers were set to be laid to rest later that day.

Iran’s Jerusalem Day rallies are held annually to express solidarity with Palestinians who aspire to have East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state in territories occupied by Israel in 1967.

Iran vows to punish Israel for officers killed in embassy strike

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