
Kate Middleton is recovering well after planned surgery: Insider

Kate Middleton is recovering well after planned surgery Insider - UTV Pakistan

Kensington Palace has raised concerns among loyal Royal followers with the announcement of Kate Middleton’s hospitalization for a scheduled abdominal surgery.

The statement further revealed that Kate, the esteemed Princess of Wales, will be abstaining from any royal engagements until Easter, prioritizing her recovery.

A recent report by GB News indicates that Kate, a devoted mother of three, is making commendable progress in her recuperation at The London Clinic.

According to a statement issued by the Palace, Kate will remain in the hospital for 14 days before returning home, where she will continue her recovery.

Meanwhile, royal correspondent Michael Cole claimed that while Kate’s condition is “quite serious” it is not a “trivial matter.”

The expert said that Kate is “young and vigorous and very fit,” but said that the news is “not a trivial matter,” and is “obviously quite serious.”

“She has very conscientiously added in that quite full statement from Kensington Palace much more so than one would have perhaps expected on another occasion,” he told GB News.

“It’s going to be a long stay in hospital afterwards – these days they get the patients out of hospital as soon as possible back on their feet.

“So that also does indicate the seriousness of the nature of whatever it is that is ailing her,” the expert added.

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